Wednesday 5 February 2014

Causes of Skin Disorders

In today’s world, our lifestyle has changed so much that we cannot realize the basic reasons why so many diseases and disorders are appearing in our life. This can be mostly seen in highly populated and highly polluted cities. It is very hard find root causes and solutions for skin related disorders such as psoriasis or eczema . By analysing both digestive immunity and blood impurities in our bodies provides us reasons for Psoriasis and eczema.

Firstly, many a times we eat junk foods at hotels and on roads without knowing it's impact on our body. For example, non-vegetarian foods (red meat and white meat) which are rich in proteins (which are indigestible) prepared with harmful spices, causes to generate heat exponentially inside our body. So our body starts reacting to this over-heating and it indicates that our metabolism is in danger in the form of acidity/gases and hence diminishing in implicit moisturizing effects. This clearly shows why our eating habits inherently show up as disorders in the form of psoriasis and eczema.

Secondly, blood impurity is the root cause for disorders such as psoriasis, eczema etc.. Blood impurity means an atom (cell) is made up of nucleus and electrons, and when electrons in a cell get imbalanced (due to smoking/drinking/any other reason) free radicals increase inside the body. And impure blood indicates weakening in blood strength and inviting harmful bacteria to attack on our body. This can be seen as an impact where bacteria attack the weak skin cells, our immune system cannot fight-back against it hence causing cracks or grey skin etc.. in the form of psoriasis or eczema.

In Summary, it is cogent that digestive system and blood impurity are the major promoters of these skin related disorders such as psoriasis and eczema. So controlling our eating habits and enhancing our body with sufficient nutrients (such as digestible proteins, Vitamins, antioxidants) so as to build internal immunity against bacteria and increase in internal moisturizing effects, can overcome these  disorders.